Saturday, June 6, 2009

Walk #156: Walking Like Tom Brown and John Muir

Still cloudy and cool. Very unusual for a June in the Foothills. My dog and I wandered out..

Angel likes to roll in this spot where the deer have bedded down. Covering her scent for the big hunt? Dogs descended from wolves and were domesticated only 12,000 years ago. They retain some of their wolfy instincts. Which makes me wonder what instincts we humans still retain? Can you think of any? Do we have any creatureliness left in us besides the urge to procreate?

In Tom Brown fashion, I've been checking out tracks. Here is a raccoon track (I believe).

And the blessed turkey vulture. Ed, you up there?

From looking at these deer tracks, I can just see them dancing. Or nervously awaiting something, much like a child standing in line who needs to pee really, really badly...

And my botanical John Muir moment! One lonely Foothills Pentstamen. A lovely plant...I look forward to finding more of it's brethren.

I learn something new everyday on this walk. It is a wonderful way to get to know a new home/environment.

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