Worked a twelve hour shift. Got off and headed down to St. Helena to walk amongst hundreds of revelers in Cheers! St. Helena! This has got to be one of the best deals ever. For a few bucks, you can buy a glass...and then walk to dozens of merchants who are pouring premium wine. Taste the wine and move on. Hundreds of people are milling about with wine glasses in hand.
I couldn't participate due to 1. not wanting to drive after such an event and 2. knowing that I would get a bit too caught up in the festivities and 3. not wanting to get up and work the next day after participating with full gusto in the wine event. So I walked and watched others celebrate. A marching band played. A Farmers Market was set up selling local fruits and veggies.
Isn't this how shopping should be done? Festively, with a glass of wine in hand, while listening to a marching band of aging baby boomers, dressed in Hawaiian shirts, play "Fat Bottomed Girls"? Why not have our economic lives be festive and social?
Unfortunately, I didn't pay attention to where I was walking.
I tripped by the Farmers Market and skinned my knee pretty good. Blood oozing...I managed to trip in front of--oh--- about a hundred people. A concerned woman rushes over. Sheepishly I get up; my new camera is smashed. There is just no way to recover gracefully after such a fall.
I piece the camera back together (still works) while the concerned lady makes sure no bones are broken. "I swear, I wasn't drinking", I tell her.
I high tail it out of there as fast as possible...
I couldn't participate due to 1. not wanting to drive after such an event and 2. knowing that I would get a bit too caught up in the festivities and 3. not wanting to get up and work the next day after participating with full gusto in the wine event. So I walked and watched others celebrate. A marching band played. A Farmers Market was set up selling local fruits and veggies.
Isn't this how shopping should be done? Festively, with a glass of wine in hand, while listening to a marching band of aging baby boomers, dressed in Hawaiian shirts, play "Fat Bottomed Girls"? Why not have our economic lives be festive and social?
Unfortunately, I didn't pay attention to where I was walking.
I tripped by the Farmers Market and skinned my knee pretty good. Blood oozing...I managed to trip in front of--oh--- about a hundred people. A concerned woman rushes over. Sheepishly I get up; my new camera is smashed. There is just no way to recover gracefully after such a fall.
I piece the camera back together (still works) while the concerned lady makes sure no bones are broken. "I swear, I wasn't drinking", I tell her.
I high tail it out of there as fast as possible...
All that walking and you finally went down... and in a very public way. Dramatic too, blood-n-all. Hilarious.
What a festive scene! Too bad you took a tumble. I hope your camera is OK and that you take care of that skinned knee so it doesn't get infected. But you're a nurse, you know that.
Did the figure eight, stopping at a big garage sale, where I visited with several island neighbors, bought a few stereopticon slides to show the kids (early Internet, eh?), and avoided spending much. Then stopped at the tail end of the island produce exchange before heading home up the west side. The first big SE blow of the fall is happening, and it's a lovely storm.
10.70 miles
10.36 mph average
34.84 mph max
The camera works...but is busted up pretty good. Stressed, I think they call it. Sometimes the lens sticks when I turn it on and off. And the lens seems to be pointing slightly farther to the right (oh no!).
The knee was a bloody mess. Graphic nursey type photos to be uploaded when I get home.
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