In the distance you can see the Sutter Buttes. Fifty to sixty miles away, as the crow flies---this bump of rock on the Sacramento Valley floor was considered sacred by the local Native American population. They believed that when they died, their souls went to the Sutter Buttes to rest.
Of course, they had another name for them (which I can't remember as I type this). The Sutter Buttes are the Anglo name.
As you drive north on I-5 you can see them on your right. About sixty miles to the north of Sacramento. For me, this starts you on a sacred journey of the northern Sacramento Valley. First you have the Buttes; then Mt. Lassen; finally you get to Mount Shasta--where thousands of spiritual seekers gather to feel that holy mountain's power.
Quite a few legends have risen up about Mount Shasta (at the northern terminus of the valley). Some say the first Goddess descended to Earth there. Others say that a group of Lemarians live within the mountain. Others state, "nope--not the Lemarians---it is Atlanteans who live there". Elizabeth Clare Prophet has had summer pilgramages to Mount Shasta. Some say there are space ships that visit Mount Shasta when lenticular clouds guard it's peak. There are Buddhist shrines there. Monasteries. Gary Zukav lives within its shadow. Definitely a destination point for White Collar New Agey types.
Frankly, I love that mountain---and most summers Joni and I go there to camp at 9,000 feet in a free campground (where St. Germaine is said to make an appearance once and awhile). I don't think I've seen a more beautiful mountain.
And now for a question you probably haven't been thinking about: Will this blog end when the year is over?
I have very much enjoyed how having this blog has gotten me outside most days of the last year. For the second year, I hope to expand it a bit. You see, it will be my fiftieth year on the planet...and it is time to get moving a bit more.
So I plan on expanding this blog to: 365 Walks, Runs, Hikes, Bikes, Floats, Peaks, Reads and Wines!
I never did Half Dome this year; next year I hope to bag that. I didn't climb any mountains this year; next year I hope to remedy that. I didn't float any rivers. I didn't get on my bike once (as Ian has so admirably done). Frankly, walking has been good---but I eat and drink too much to get in shape.
So next year I will (get in shape). And I will write about it. I also will write about the books I am reading--and all the tragedies and triumphs that befall me during my fiftieth year. And let us not forget the wine!
For those who have followed this year I give a heart felt: Thanks! I won't be disappointed if you don't follow along next year. You have my blessing to dump me. Hell, I get sick of me too!
However, an invitation: Join me as I make my fiftieth year my most active ever. Write about your adventures and hikes, runs, bikes and other things you do that get you outside. I'd love to hear what you are up to!
Life is too short to be spent indoors!
Your most active year ever, that's a bold claim considering the marathons of your youth. Good luck, and i look forward to seeing your progress!
Hello Son!
You are right...that is a bit high of a bar to achieve. But it was just a few years ago that a twenty mile hike through the Canyonlands was a weekly event. I'd like to do that again...
I do look forward to taking a hike with you sometime soon... :)
I have actually wondered if you were going to continue this after the new year. I am quite happy that you will continue onward!
I am in my fiftieth year right now. On February 20th I will turn the big 50. Last April I started walking, and then walk-running, and eventually I got the running thing down. I lost 20 pounds, got stronger, and went from being a couch potato (although I read more than I watched TV) to running a 5K. It was a fantastic year.
I definitely look forward to following you into the new year.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Walk On(ward)!
Walk on!
Biked the block today with my new windshield (after my old one broke yesterday). Drizzling and dark after stopping at a neighbors on a solar errand.
6.98 miles
11.03 mph average -- windshield helps!
31.67 mph peak -- windshield helps-- I was actually using the brakes because it was dark and hard to see with my headlight
OOPs...used the wrong account for a blog I never started.
Ian and Larry...
Ian has made a successful "age 50" transition. He has the biking stats to prove it!
And Larry, just shy of his 50th birthday, also seems to be doing as well.
I hope I am as successful as you guys are!
My 50th year doesn't start until March. But I certainly can see some multiple long treks in my future: Half Dome? Bright Angel Trail in the Grand Canyon? Zion for the Angel's Landing trail (I've already done that one--frightening!).
The Bible says without a vision the people perish...
Make sure to leave room for some outdoor naps among the 365! You can share your dreams.
I haven't looked at blogs in much too long. Saw the photo of you with Amy on this page and thought hmm that's a new look. Then went on to next page and learned of your work attack and resulting haircut. yikes.
Over and out.
Hey Green,
Yikes indeed... I decided to pick up Tree Spiker. I like it. It has a real homespun, amateurish feel to it. A reasonably good defense of direct action.
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