I drove down to the Napa Valley yesterday. Worked today. After work, I headed down to St. Helena in order to walk the White Sulphur Springs road. I was looking for an uphill walk. I was delighted to discover that this walk, that I had remembered to be uphill, was actually quite easy for me to negotiate. Even with my backpack on (loaded with thirty pounds of books), this road was not as much uphill as I remembered. Good news.
Of course, this is the walk that passes through the grounds of what some call a "white collar cult". White Sulphur Springs is amongst one of the oldest resorts in California. In it's heyday, beginning in 1852, 1,000 wealthy San Franciscans would stay at the resort. Now it is home to what EST has evolved into: "The Hoffman Process". Six thousand bucks for a five day seminar promises to heal all your suburban angst.
Sophie Alstrom Mitchell lived at this resort in a simple house from 1862-1882. She was a watercolor artist regionally known for her paintings of local flowers. An interesting lady, when her first husband died in 1882, she took up with a local Presbyterian Minister--seventeen years her junior. Sophie's artwork is on permanent display at the Napa County Museum.
Stepped on the scale this morning here at the hospital. I'm down sixteen pounds. I have two weeks to lose fourteen more pounds, as my goal was to lose thirty pounds before heading off to Costa Rica. At the current rate of weight loss, I'll only lose twenty-two pounds before our scheduled ascent of Mt. Durika. Twenty-two pounds in forty-four days of training ain't bad. But thirty would be better.
Of course, this is the walk that passes through the grounds of what some call a "white collar cult". White Sulphur Springs is amongst one of the oldest resorts in California. In it's heyday, beginning in 1852, 1,000 wealthy San Franciscans would stay at the resort. Now it is home to what EST has evolved into: "The Hoffman Process". Six thousand bucks for a five day seminar promises to heal all your suburban angst.
Sophie Alstrom Mitchell lived at this resort in a simple house from 1862-1882. She was a watercolor artist regionally known for her paintings of local flowers. An interesting lady, when her first husband died in 1882, she took up with a local Presbyterian Minister--seventeen years her junior. Sophie's artwork is on permanent display at the Napa County Museum.
Stepped on the scale this morning here at the hospital. I'm down sixteen pounds. I have two weeks to lose fourteen more pounds, as my goal was to lose thirty pounds before heading off to Costa Rica. At the current rate of weight loss, I'll only lose twenty-two pounds before our scheduled ascent of Mt. Durika. Twenty-two pounds in forty-four days of training ain't bad. But thirty would be better.
No biking for me yesterday, but miles and miles of pounding the snow, downhill skiing from 10 AM to 8 PM.
Good work my friend. And don't worry, those extra pounds will come off on your assent of Mt. Durika.
Walk On(ward)!
Rode to meditation, lunch with the dau. and a few errands on the way.
11.28 miles
11.20 mph average
31.67 mph max
I started on my trip to Costa Rica by bike. Only made it to the bike mechanic's place, where I'll leave the bike for a tune-up while I'm away. Then connected with my friend/colleague, and we're in Seattle now, ready for our morning flight.
6.35 miles
10.63 mph average
31.36 mph max
Much walking through airports today. First Seattle, now Houston, later San Jose. Did find some good food here -- honey mustard chicken and greek salad. Tired, but getting some work done on the planes between drowsing.
World Wide Web makes this a small world indeed, this is the house of my grt. grandmother Sophie! I was seeing if her paintings were on the internet and came across your blog. Thanks for posting a picture of her house, didn't have a photo of it in the family album.
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