Friday, January 20, 2012

A Drenching Rain...

A storm has blown in, finally, giving us some much needed rain. I took the dogs out for a hike in the rain; Abbey in her new rain jacket: she doesn't have a very good undercoat, so keeping her warm is important.

This storm is a drencher. Six to ten inches expected over the next week. Radio stations are asking people to stay home, as they are expecting many downed trees and powerlines. The mountains are getting snow. Kylie is excited that she might be able to use her snowboard soon.

I finished book number six last night while watching the Republican debate. You can find the Amazon review here.


crunchymama said...

Hi Allan,

Stumbled across your blogs today. We recently moved to Concow and have yet to connect with anyone truly local. Are you by any chance home/unschooling? I would love to get my children connected with some folks who live nearby. And it would be educational and fun to participate in a work day at the home your family is building. We have alot to learn about construction, and are needing to build a dog house and a chicken coop this year. Please shoot me an email if you are interested in connecting IRL.

Alison Murphy

Allan Stellar said...

Welcome to Concow, Alison! I'm not sure what a connecting IRL is, but feel free to drop me a line at

Concow is quite a diverse place. I don't know where you are living, but Concow offers everything from Rednecks to Rastafarians. You'll find a few Treehuggers and lots of folks who are trying to live cheaply on SSI. Given that many people want to be left alone, community is difficult to establish here.

We don't homeschool. The public school is filled with decent backwoods kids. We like it here, mainly for the proximity to wilderness.