Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Days 334 and 335: A Walk With Joni...

Rolled back in to the Homestead around 1 am last night. Glad to get out of there alive...

Joni and I took a peaceful, hour-long stroll this morning. We let the dogs run. Appreciative of the time. And also appreciative of a totally unexpected, anonymous financial gift of a few hundred bucks that came just at the right time. I didn't have to buy gas with dimes (I used our spare quarters to get me to work). Check out clerks look at you in an annoyed fashion when you spread out twenty bucks worth of dimes on the check out stand. Not to mention the people who are waiting behind you with their sodas and chips, thinking thoughts of malice as you stack the dimes.

Note to self: remember to pay it forward.

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