Thursday, March 12, 2009

Walk #70: The Apricot Tree Blooms!

Walk Duration: One hour...

Our one and only fruit tree, an Apricot, is in bloom. This was the first day I was able to walk in shorts and a t-shirt. 64 degrees in the shade. Wonderful! Feels like a real turning point.

Now that I have walked some 70 walks (okay, 2 of them were rather chinsy), what have I noticed about my physical conditioning? Well the scale said last Thursday that I have lost exactly ONE POUND! Not bad, as usually in the winter I balloon out to Jaba the Hut proportions. I carry the remaining 226 pounds more easily. My two hills on my regular route are much easier to climb. I have more zip in my steps.

I feel better. Let's see what happens with the remaining 295 walks...

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