Thursday, December 23, 2010

Days 356-357: Merry Christmas

Back home for a couple of days before returning to Napa for five. A couple long walks with the dogs. Abbey, the new puppy, samples water from every puddle we come across (as it has been raining for what seems like years). Dogs don't need potable water. Hell, dogs can eat and drink most anything. Joni thinks this near love affair with puddle water is a natural way to get minerals into the doggy diet.

The girls are gone for a week, so Joni and I have the place to ourselves. My how quiet this place is without the wrangling, skirmishes, and general may-hem which constitutes sibling rivalry.

I may not have a chance to plunk away at a keyboard over the next few days---so Merry Christmas! I will be at the hospital doing the Nursey thing...


Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours, Allan. Enjoy your quiet time with Joni.

Tim Koppenhaver said...

Merry Christmas Allan. (and Abbey) Sounds like it'll be a quiet one.
Take care.

Toyin O. said...

Nice blog, hope you had a good Christmas.

Zeal said...

Merry Christmas, I hope all is well there in California.