Monday, April 20, 2009

Walk #109: One More Day...

Hot again today. Another record breaker: 96 degrees here in the Napa Valley.
I did the social worker gig again, made some soup, did my laundry...and headed out once it began to cool off. Down the hill. Past the Elmshaven Church. Through the big parking lot. And down the wagon road to what we call: the falls. Then back to the Monastic Dorm and CNN and a book. Later to sneak down and record the walk for posterity.

It is a walk we take our clients on often. Much enjoyed by all. Of all the things we do on this psychiatric unit, the daily walk has proven to be one of our most therapeutic interventions. Good for all diagnosis: Depressives, Anxiety disorders, Manics, Psychotics and (the most troubling) Staff.

Tomorrow I shall awaken early. Take a walk. And make the drive back to the Solar Compound after work. I have been gone much too much this last month. Although I was offered a couple more days of work, I turned it down. I need to get my hands dirty with our garden and our building. I need to see Joni and the girls. I miss my dog.

So why not work closer to home? Truth is, I rather like this vagabondish life. I like the travel. And the wages are much higher in the Bay Area. A job closer to home would find me working forty hours a week and making just slightly more than what I earn working twenty hours a week in the Napa Valley.

As for my carbon footprint? By staying at the Monastic Dorm I drive around 640 miles a month commuting. That is actually less than almost all of my peers. And actually less miles driven than if I commuted to a local hospital in the Butte County area.
But it is home tomorrow, at last. I can't wait!

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