Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Walks #110 and 111: Cut Short (literally)....

Yesterday I got up early before work and took a walk before work. Drove home to a glorious reunion with our beautiful Valhalla.

Today, Kylie, Angel and I headed out for a bit of a walk. Kylie on her bike; Angel on her paws.

Angel has been becoming more of a chow hound lately. She ran off to the neighbors to check out the winters worth of garbage they have strewn about the place. No garbage service up here means that some folks leave their garbage out, which eventually gets chewed up by critters and strewn about the yard.

Angel decided to bat clean up.I called Angel back to me, and while bounding along she got caught on something which cut her side. We cut the walk short to tend to her wound...


greentangle said...

Ouch! How's she doing?

Allan Stellar said...

We had to take her to the Vet and she got five stitches. She was a bit groggy for a day after being put under for the anesthesia. But now she is back to being our very Marleyesque pup...
