Monday, July 6, 2009

Walk #186: Allergies and Garbage

Angel has allergies. Weaned too early; the runt of the litter. I don't know if that is the reason for her poor immune system (I suspect it is) but trips to the vet have proven that she cannot eat "absolutely everything" like most dogs.

Nope. Poor thing, she subsists on Lamb and Rice dog food. Organic, of course.

If Angel eats table scraps and various other delights she breaks out in an itchy rash and her skin starts to smell like silage. Uncomfortable for her; smelly for us.

With the higher temps (and no garbage collection on the Ridge), Angel has found every Squatter's garbage pile. She found a new one today. A pile filled with delectable delights: old tuna cans, moldy bread, plastic liners with hints of food left on them. A car was parked nearby...and these situations can be rather dangerous. You never know when you might come across a meth still or a cannabis patch--the Owners of such don't really like to be bothered.

When Angel catches wind of such a refuse pile, she simply cannot be stopped. She is like a Groupie getting tickets to see Mick Jagger. She pants and runs with abandon. She doesn't follow directions, and must be manually collected and brought back to the fold.

Bad dog!


Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Poor Angel! So deprived of doggy delights! Do your neighbors' garbage piles attract bear, too? They could be more of a problem to Angel than allergic reactions.

Ian Woofenden said...

Biked to and around town today. About 6 miles total -- I'm too lazy to go get my speedometer off the bike, which is packed up in the truck which will head to Oregon tomorrow. I hope I'll get some chances to ride... I wish I was taking the train and my bike, but I didn't think ahead enough to make that happen.

Allan Stellar said...


See today's entry for your answer. The kingly Bear is back on the ridge. Thank heavens!
