Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 188: Another Mountain Lion Article

Some cultures see animals as a deity.

Angel and I took a walk in the evening. An article in the Chico paper, once again, shows our utter and total fear of mountain lion. These pieces usually start with the report of a sighting, followed by a "what to do" if you see a mountain lion--then followed by a number to call at the Fish and Game Department in order to have the mountain lion dispatched. These pieces are meant to install fear into the reader.

Luckily, the article has a comments section on line. I got into a bit of a tussle with a "Ranger" regarding the state of mountain lion in California. You can read the article here. The comments section are at the bottom (as they usually are).

And if you visit, say something nice about the mountain lion...


Anonymous said...

Hello, This is archeryman i just started following your blog today it is a very cool blog you should check out my blog

Allan Stellar said...

Good that you have a hobby that gets you out of the house. Not chained to a computer or a Wii. Good for you!

Zeal said...

It looks like it's raining in that picture, is it abnormally raining for this time of year or an old photo?

Allan Stellar said...

Zeal, Nope...not raining. I took the photo that day. We won't see rain until November now. Tis the dry season (although with climate change nothing is quite that predictable anymore)...

Allan Stellar said...

Zeal, Nope...not raining. I took the photo that day. We won't see rain until November now. Tis the dry season (although with climate change nothing is quite that predictable anymore)...