Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 200: Packed!

Since I will be in the Napa Valley for the rest of the week, I had to get my backpack ready to go. I went through the list, collected the items, bought the food, made a decision on which sleeping bag to bring and got the backpack ready to go. It weighs 27 pounds without water. Add another ten for carrying the H2O.

We leave Friday at 6:30 in the morning.

Met with my hiking partners last night to finalize plans. The Abbot has downloaded a GPS program into his Iphone which will (hopefully) keep us from wandering too far astray. He also has a solar charger for the thing (it needs six hours of direct sunlight to gather the charge). I'd like to see if we could get the thing to download the hiking trip onto this site. Would you want to track our progress?

Looking at the itinerary, I can see that I have (once again) been grandiose in my plans. What was I thinking?! Six miles the first day; Thirteen miles on day two and three (which also happens to be the days we climb the most); nearly Eleven miles the fourth day---and (thankfully!) just Four miles the fifth day. All of this would be good if we were trail hardened muscle men. We are not.

We are a group of Nerds. And in checking the weather, it looks like the heat is going to continue through out this sojourn. Yikes!

1 comment:

Zeal said...

Hey, on my Droid I use google latitude which shares my position with my friends. People followed along on google maps as we roamed the streets of Vegas. You can probably setup the iphone to share it's position on latitude and share it with folks.