Sunday, March 6, 2011

Concow Creek Canyon

On my last day of being a person who is under the age of 50, I decided to take the dogs down a different canyon. The purpose? Exploration. I'd never been to the bottom of this canyon before. But I have been down far enough to remember the Mother Lode of Three Rivers Slate.

I found the Mother Lode of the slate. The road down is too steep for either one of our commuter cars. A jeep might do it. So, to harvest this slate, I'll have to pack it out in a backpack (which will be good training anyway).

Towards the bottom of the canyon, someone with a sense of humor has built this vacation cabin.

The road gave way to a single lane path. The water is raging in the creek and, seeing as a couple days ago a forty-something male slipped on a similar path and was washed away to his untimely death, I turned around before anything like that could happen to me. We shall return to fully explore the canyon when the water is less lethal and the path less slippery.

I don't know why I've been living here for almost three years and have never hiked down to explore this canyon (which only takes about an hour to get to the bottom of it by foot after leaving my front door). A new canyon to explore!


Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Happy Birthday, Allan, and many happy years of hiking. Looks like you have some very fine walking close to home.

Buryman said...

Happy Birthday Allan and thanks for the pleasure your musings carry all the way across the Atlantic.

Stewart Brady

Zeal said...

Happy birthday allan.

Allan Stellar said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes! My best to all of you...