Sunday, August 22, 2010

Days 233 and 234: Fatigue...

As mentioned, I've been taking it easy. Mostly I work and then find a pretty place to walk a little, but mostly sit and watch a vineyard. Or watch the sunset from the hospital with Stellar jays roaming about.

Been wearing a pedometer at work. Usually I get between 9,000 to 12,000 steps in (one day it was 14,000 steps). That's a lot for an eight hour shift. Working extra, traveling more, having visitors, taking long hikes, the chaos of summer with a nine and ten year old with too much unstructured time, constructing my home: all have left me feeling rather tired. Run down.

So pardon me if I'm a bit lazier for awhile. I need the rest; I still get outside everyday.

I leave for Virginia and the Appalachian Trail on September 8...

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