Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day #5: Making My List...

Just a couple of dog walks today. I'm taking it easy after exerting myself yesterday. And I made my list for the Costa Rica adventure. Packing light. This promises to be quite the adventure.

Tomorrow I pack. Thursday I travel to work. Work Friday. Catch the plane to San Juan, Costa Rica early Saturday morning. Returning the 18th. So if this blog is quiet for awhile, it is because I am looking at jaguar tracks, panting up a mountain and trying to negotiate chicken buses in a Spanish speaking country with my pigeon Spanish and backpack.

I feel like I'm 21 again, when I traveled with my backpack across Mexico and Nicaragua. Oh, how quickly the years pass.


lph said...


Here are three important phrases I learned before I traveled to Venezuela years ago.

"Una cerveza por favor"

"Otra cerveza por favor"

"Donda esta banjos"

I had my bases covered well:)

Enjoy you excursion and come back safe!


greentangle said...

Best of luck and adventure to you!

Allan Stellar said...

Thanks guys!