Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Walk #47: Rules!!

Walk Duration: One hour.

Another cold, wet walk.

Along the way, I thought about a question Jackijo asks below. Of course, she chose to comment under the post for the ONE DAY I didn't walk at all! Geeesh! Since there have been a few more who have chosen to follow this Website lately, I thought a public response might be in order. And thanks to those who have chosen to follow along!

Anyway, Jackijo wrote (by the way, she has a most excellent website):

"I am intrigued by this blog. I have only started reading it. So what is the definition of a walk? How long does it have to be? Does each walk have to be different? I would like to do something like this."

Jackijo, I hope you don't mind if I turn your question into a public post.

When I started this blog, I did it in order to get ready for taking more hikes this spring and summer. Specifically, Half dome in Yosemite the first week of June. I knew that in my current shape (round and squishy), I would never make it up there. I challenged myself to take a walk everyday in preparation for this trip...and hopefully other hiking trips as well.

So what is the definition of a walk?

A walk is the time I take (intention) to move my legs in simultaneous motion without any other utility of such stated motion other than to give me time to be Allan. This means that walking at work, or to the battery shed or any other place doesn't count. This has to be my time; or my time to share with loved ones (most often of the Canine persuasion).

How long does it have to be?

I would like it to be at least thirty minutes long...or about the time it takes to watch a rerun of MASH. An hour is optimal. More is better. I would like to have at least one five or six hour hike a week--eventually (if it ever stops raining!).

The walk must be done outside. In the elements!

There might be times when I can't get out and walk (such as the post that Jackijo commented on--gosh darn her!). I at least want to think about walking during such rare times. In this case, it is the thought that counts!

Does each walk have to be different?

No. But variety certainly helps. And I want to have something new to write about once and awhile. But for the most part, I have a couple of "staple" wilderness routes that I take. H.D. Thoreau said (paraphrasing) that a lifetime of walks can be taken within twenty miles of a person's house.

I do hope others will join me on this endeavor. Walking is the activity that makes us Human. Walking upright allowed our brains to develop the way they have. And walking is the one aerobic sport that can be done half tanked on Beer!


Jackijo said...

Sorry, I really didn't realize that was the one day you didn't walk. I have only just read through a few posts. I like your rules! But you can allow yourself a break just once.

Thanks for the inspiration. I think a time of 30 minutes and walking just for the sake of walking will be my starting points. I am going to try to do it outside and everyday, but if I am ever stuck in the airport I might get my walk inside.

It's funny you mentioned Mash because I think my hubby and I have seen every episode. . . at least 2 or 3 times!

Allan Stellar said...

OK...just one break. I'm glad you are joining this endeavor!

Keep me posted!
