Thursday, November 12, 2009

Walk #316: The Tree Guy

Joni is home!

She pulled in last night at 6:30--just as I was setting up a feast of barbecued pork loin, mashed potatoes and a salad (with a few tomatoes from our garden). We feast, chat a bit and later fall asleep to the sound of rain tinkling on our recycled tin roof.

But it will be a short reunion, as I'm about ready to drive to the Napa Valley for five days. I squeezed in one last walk this morning...with the sun fully ablaze.

I stopped to talk with one of the neighbors on the Ridge. This gentleman lives down the road a bit--in an "off grid" cabin that he built. He makes his living by traveling the world collecting seeds from various species of trees. There isn't a tree that he can't climb. He is by all appearances a soft spoken, simple living, in shape, pony tailed, "back to the lander" with a subdued smile; a forestry expert--whom I am told has a world renown reputation. He likes the progress on our house made of mud (I'm receiving more and more complements from those who view our structure from afar).

I tell him that his name came up at the histrionic planning meeting the other night.

"Did they say I was for or against the plan?"

We discuss the plan and find that our views are in agreement--and that the Butte County Plan is a good one. Since C. is on his way to San Francisco, we talk about the possibilities of doing some ride sharing to the bay area and agree to have dinner sometime.


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