Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Walk #329: Doggy Camp Incarceration

A busy day today. I over stocked the chickens, bunnies and cat with food and water. They will have to survive on their own until Saturday. I then cleaned up the place, made sure everything was buttoned up, sealed up, plugged up, belted down, covered and unplugged. I then packed the car and took Angel for one last walk.

After the walk I had to get the dear dog into the car. She wouldn't budge. She could do the math: "No humans here--and he packed the car: Oh no! I'm going to doggy camp!"

I tried treats to get her into the car; wouldn't budge. I tried pulling her into the car; she resisted. Finally I found an old dirty sock that I (somehow?) managed to get her to follow into the car. A dirty sock as a prized possession?

I dropped off Angel at the doggy camp where she will be incarcerated for the next four days. I paid extra money for her to have the "pond walk". Eases my guilt. I left the sock with her for company (she seemed to like it). Brokenhearted, I left the doggy camp prison--and drove to the Napa Valley.

My neck is healed. I now have to work for a living again.

1 comment:

Ian Woofenden said...

Took another ride today, down to the PV job, where the inverter still wasn't working. Thought about doing the block again, but came home the same way.

2.26 miles
11.13 mph average
30.75 mph peak