Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Walk #124: Luck...

It was my typical every-other-Tuesday. Up early to work, then into my little Echo-that-can for the drive back to our Solar homestead. Got home in time to have a little dinner, and to take my dog for a walk. A joyous reunion.

On the walk, I noticed this horseshoe on a post. Got me to thinking about luck. Luck of all sorts, good and bad. So much of life depends on luck; on synchronicity. We revel in our "good luck"! We ruminate in our "bad luck".

But have you noticed, at times, that which we thought was "bad luck" turned out to be the best thing in the end? Times when we were sad that we didn't get the job, girl or the proper Jack-in-the-Box Toy? Ever notice that sometimes, what we considered bad, was really good?

Maybe it is best not to attach any significance to the term: luck.

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