Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Walk #125: The Next Generation

Me? 48 years old. Kylie: 9 years old.
Kylie pushes her bike up a hill. She has valiantly offered to come on a longer walk with me. This works good for her when the path is flat, or downhill. But we have many hills around. And she, with few whines or whimpers, pushes her bike up the hills.

I'm thankful she enjoys taking these walks with me. She gets memories from the ordeal. The chance to hear about the "olden days" before Ipods, computers, Hannah Montana and G3 phones. It makes me laugh to think of the 70's as the olden days.

I get to watch a fine young lady who will experience peak oil, a melted ice cap and (maybe) a real move to a sustainable world. Or will she encounter barbarism? More oil wars? A die off of the human population?

What will life be like for her, when she is my age--in the year 2048?


Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Hang in there, Kylie! You're sure to be one of those who help to make the plant better. Your folks are teaching you what you need to know and, even more important, how you need to BE. You're a good dad, Alan.

Allan Stellar said...

Thanks Woods,

Actually, the girls are my Step Grandchildren.... :)
