Monday, May 25, 2009

Walk #144: Threatening Clouds and Blackberry Blossums

We headed out, my dog and I, during the hottest part of the afternoon. Threatening clouds were off to the east. Higher in the Sierra.

A longer walk today. Our Blackberry patch is blooming. Here we shall gather many berries later this summer:

I set out a shower bag so that I could have a refreshing, cleansing shower after the walk:

1 comment:

Ian Woofenden said...

Allan has given me permission to jump on his coattails. I need exercise too, and have at times been pretty regular about riding my bike daily. I want to get back to that. So I'm going to try posting my rides and walks here. If I bring my bike speedometer in and set it on my keyboard, it will remind me to write about the ride, and to ride again the next day before I get strapped to the keyboard...
Tuesday May 26, 2009
7.11 miles
35:32 minutes
12.01 mph average
36.56 max

I rode "around the block". it was raining, so I didn't do any trail work, opting to get hot and sweaty but not muddy. I pushed it at the end to keep my ending average about 12.

Notable sights: a black toilet for free on West Beach. Many black slugs on the wet roads. Sue and friend out walking. A few people going to the ferry.
Good to stretch my lungs and legs.