Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Walk #138: Survival...

Back home in the foothills tonight.

I drove back after work. The hospital I work at is in the midst of some pretty stringent down sizing. Employees all day dreaded hearing those awful words: "Can I see you in my office". I saw a couple Vice Presidents and Nursey Executives dressed in their finest mortuary attire--giving the pink slips out like they were passing out candy to Halloween Trick or Treaters. Lost were some thirty to fifty employees and a couple of programs.

I halfways thought I might be on their list. After all, I work part time, am benefited (rare for a part time worker these days) and have a cushy schedule. Perfect pickens to downsize. But I survived, as far as I know.

Got home in time to take my dog for a walk. I came across this stake in the photo above. Does this indicate some more unneeded improvements on this ridge? I resisted the Abbeyesque urge to pull the sucker up. After watching several colleagues get the ax today, I didn't feel like pruning much of anything.

On another note, our neighbors saw a mountain lion on the property next to ours yesterday morning. Just a few 100 yards from our place. Probably scoping out our neighbor's chickens.

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