Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Walk #7: One Week Done...

We leave our little uncompleted home (I'm building a "primitive green" addition---see my other blog for way, way too many details).

In California, there is always something blooming. Here we have berries that the first Robins will eat. The Robins should be here any day now...

This morning the Sacramento Valley was shrouded in fog. We live above it...escaping the dampness.

Freddy Nietzsche said: "Never trust a thought that didn't come by walking". In walking we process the day. Walking is ambulatory hypnosis. Therapy with sneakers. Pedal pedagogy.

This completes my first week of the daily walk. Things do come easier. Hills are easier to climb. The time goes faster.

Today, I travel the 15o miles to the Napa Valley. I work there. I live here in the mountains nine days--and then I travel to the hospital to live, breathe and eat Psychiatric Nursing for five days. I stay in a monastic-like dorm at the hospital.

So for the next six days, my posts may be a tad erratic (and rudimentary). I don't have a lap top computer. Nor a Notebook. No Wifi access or Wireless. I don't have a cell phone. Nor a blue tooth, blue ray, blue beard or a chance in a blue moon. No Blackberry. No Iphone. I do have an Ipod, but it doesn't really count because Joni won it at the grocery store. The camera I use for this blog is a "bottom of the line" Kodak.

I'm a digital age Cheapskate Luddite.

But I will be walking. More wordy posts and photos of my adventures will come later. I will try and resist the urge to walk to a few of the 300 wineries that adorns the drunken Napa Valley. Try anyway. Usually if I show up at a Winery with my hospital badge, the good winery personnel pour me a tasting for free. Perks!

I also weigh myself every other Thursday at the dormitory. They have an ancient scale there. I weigh myself the first morning I am at the hospital--then I forget about it for two weeks. My weight has been stable over the last six months of doing this routine. Down five pounds since I started. One pound a month? Lets see if walking accelerates the weight loss.

For now: Farewell! I am pleased at the response to this blog. I do hope you find it as motivation to get out there and walk!

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