A "No Trespassing" Sign I can support!
I drove down to the Napa Valley last night. Checked in to the Monastic Dorm; went to my room. I turned on the TV and thought I would catch a little PBS before turning in.
The TV gets 14 stations, which is quite generous compared to what I grew up with (four channels). But far and away, PBS is my favorite. So when I turned on the TV last night, the Hospital Administration had decided to change the selection to the
Trinity Broadcasting Network. I expected to see Bill Moyers and his ilk; I got Hal Lindsey instead.
We are in a recession. This hospital I work at is hanging on for dear life. I could go into the mistakes this hospital has made, but the Folks who run the place don't want to hear it. They have cut my weekend differential from 15 percent of my hourly wage, to Zero. They have stopped contributing to my 401K plan (frankly, I think Businesses were looking for a way to get out of that perk anyway). But when they changed the TV from PBS to the ultra-Fundamentalist, The Earth-Is-Only-Six Thousand-Years Old, Jesus-Was-A-Right Winger Garbage Stuff: I have to object! Loudly! With Vibrato!
Things don't look good for this hospital.
Work was fun. The Hospital Administration has cut fifty jobs which means they cut out the person who does the Creative Therapy for our unit. So I did a group (which I really enjoy anyway).
After work I decided to walk one of the roads that cut through the Napa Valley: Zinfandel Lane. Zinfandel is the grape that California is most famous for. I read that it's genetic heritage does reside in Europe, but has morphed into a wholly American Grape. It has been here for 150 years. I don't really like Zinfandel wines. I have yet to meet one that made me rave: "This is really good!" Zinfandel wines are what GM is to cars. Crap!
But I dutifully parked my car at Zinfandel Lane and walked. A nice walk initially. The vineyards are all organic here. To be politically correct in the Napa Valley, a vineyard simply must be organically certified. A good thing. This has led to an explosion of the Blue Bird population, as they are the one source that eats the scariest predator to grapes: the Glassy Winged Sharpshooter insect. Blue Birds are more popular in the Napa Valley than beards at a million man march of Amish men.
Anyway, the walk started well until my body told me that I had to go Number Two. Walk on. Ignore it.
Things started getting urgent. Perhaps I should go into the grape vines and drop my drawers? No. These grapes are all organic (and I just saw a "No Trespassing Sign" against chemical waste). My poop certainly would meet that criteria.
So I turned around and went (literally) back to the Monastic Dorm to take care of business. A forty minute walk.
P.S. As always when I am in the Napa Valley, I shall add photos when I return to the Foothills.