So I'm gonna cheat (I do make up the rules here) and include some work time walking as my walk for this day. Otherwise known as "B Side Checks. This involves the very simple task of having a clipboard and making sure you have visual contact with a client every fifteen minutes. We do this all day--always monitoring, always vigilant.
I've worn a pedometer at work before just to see how far we do walk during the day. Doing this sort of assignment it isn't unusual to walk 8,000 to 12,000 steps in a shift. That would be around four to six miles. All this done within a 200 foot hallway. Up and down. Back and forth. On and on.
Yeah, I know, this is way cheesy and shouldn't count.
On the bright side, driving up the Silverado Trail this morning at 5:30 am, I saw my second mountain lion in two weeks! This one was on the side of the road and had the brightest tan hide. The tail had a black splotch on the very end. Exciting!
Didn't get home until the evening, but after too much dinner, I went for a ride around the block with my visiting brother, reliving his times on the island 12+ years ago.
6.53 miles
9.33 mph average
31.37 mph max
Monday's ride was "short" -- nice to feel that way about a 5.5 mile ride. ;-)
Just rode back from the ferry after an appointment, and went the long way to get two long uphills in.
5.53 miles
11.88 mph average
35,18 mph max
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