Monday, June 29, 2009

Walk #178: Running into Ian (sort of)

Sunday night. Super Duper hot outside.

I waited until the sun had set--then I drove to Calistoga to walk around the town. Calistoga is a perfect walking town. It is filled with quaint cottages and beauty. It was also quite busy, with lots of couples walking hand in hand, having spent the day at the many local spas or wine tasting. A little walk before dinner is a pleasant way to spend the weekend, and couples converge on Calistoga in droves. I'm thinking many families were conceived there.

When I returned to my car (parked in front of the bookstore) I'll be darned if I didn't see the book that Ian contributed to, displayed in the front window. I laughed. Took a photo of it. You are being heavily promoted in Calistoga, Ian!

I would have purchased a copy, but the store was closed. I'll pick it up next time I'm in town.


Ian Woofenden said...

Nice to bump into you, Allan. Glad to see Dan's book.

Did the block again today, partly with my brother, and we ran into the sculptor he used to work for. We stopped to look at some potential logs to mill (not worth it), and then my bro doubled back to visit the sculptor at his shop. I continued around.

I think I need to re-calibrate my speedometer, though, 'cause the block isn't this long...

7.08 miles
11.09 mph average
34.53 mph max

I don't usually exaggerate.

Allan Stellar said...

Twas fun to run into you in Calistoga, Ian. Maybe I will see more of you this Christmas? :)